I was bit tied down due lack of proper hardware support in setting up Eucalyptus on 64-bit Operating system. Due to same reason, I could not make much headway with OpenStack as well. But, I had to setup and get going with a Private Cloud Infrastructure. After some research and guidance from Eucalyptus technical support team, I could make my private cloud up and running on 32-Bit systems.
Here is How to set up and configure Eucalyptus Private Cloud on 32-bit CentOS-5.7 systems:
Once you install CentOS-5.7, update the packages using YUM.
A. Node:
My configuration was; 160 GB HDD, 4 GB RAM, dual core
processor, CentOS-5.6 (32 bit)
1. Export the Eucalyptus version to be installed. I installed
export VERSION=2.0.3
2. Front-end, node(s), and client machine system clocks are
synchronized (e.g., using NTP).
yum install -y ntp
ntpdate pool.ntp.org
3. Node has a fully installed and configured installation of Xen
that allows controlling the hypervisor via HTTP from
yum install -y xen
sed --in-place 's/#(xend-http-server no)/(xend-http-server yes)/' /etc/xen/xend-
sed --in-place 's/#(xend-address localhost)/(xend-address localhost)/'/etc/xen/
/etc/init.d/xend restart
4. Yum option:
Create '/etc/yum.repos.d/euca.repo' file with the following
four lines:
5. yum install eucalyptus-nc
6. Post Installation Steps:
The last step in the installation is to make sure that the
user 'eucalyptus', which is created at RPM installation time,
is configured to interact with the hypervisor through libvirt
on all of your compute nodes.On each node, access the libvirtd
configuration, /etc/libvirt/libvirtd.conf, and confirm that
the following lines are uncommented:
unix_sock_group = "libvirt"
unix_sock_ro_perms = "0777"
unix_sock_rw_perms = "0770"
7. Since XEN kernel has been installed (in step 3), make the
appropriate changes in /etc/grub.conf to reflect system is
booted using the XEN kernel;
For example;
title CentOS (2.6.18-308.1.1.el5xen)
root (hd0,0)
kernel /xen.gz-2.6.18-308.1.1.el5
module /vmlinuz-2.6.18-308.1.1.el5xen ro root=/dev/Cloud/LogVol02 rhgb quiet
module /initrd-2.6.18-308.1.1.el5xen.img
title CentOS (2.6.18-238.el5PAE)
root (hd0,0)
kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.18-238.el5PAE ro root=/dev/Cloud/LogVol02 rhgb quiet
initrd /initrd-2.6.18-238.el5PAE.img
8. Check loaded kernel;
# uname -r
9. To check that libvirt is configured and interacting properly
with the hypervisor, run the following command on the node:
# on XEN
su eucalyptus -c "virsh list"
The output of that command may include error messages (failed
to connect to xend), but as long as it includes a listing of
all domains (at least Domain-0), the configuration is in order.
eg. /etc/init.d/xend restart
restart xend: [ OK ]
[root@eucalyptus ~]# su eucalyptus -c "virsh list"
Id Name State
0 Domain-0 running
10. Now start up your Eucalyptus services. On the Node:
/etc/init.d/eucalyptus-nc start
/etc/init.d/eucalyptus-nc start
You should have at least 32 loop devices
Starting Eucalyptus services:
Enabling IP forwarding for eucalyptus.
Enabling bridge netfiltering for eucalyptus.
(Warning of 32 loop devices can be fixed using
http://j.mp/sleH4S; thus it should return you like the one
below )
[root@eucalyptus ~]# /etc/init.d/eucalyptus-nc start
Starting Eucalyptus services: done.
Setup Eucalyptus Front-end and Register various Front-End components:
B. Front-End:
My configuration was; 160 GB HDD, 2 GB RAM, DualCore processor, CentOS-5.6 (32 bit)
1. Export the Eucalyptus version to be installed. I installed
2.0.3; (Same as node):
export VERSION=2.0.3
2. Front-end, node(s), and client machine system clocks are synchronized (e.g., using NTP).
yum install -y ntp
ntpdate pool.ntp.org
3. Front end needs java, command to manipulate a bridge, and the
binaries for dhcp server (do not configure or run dhcp server
on the CC):
yum install -y java-1.6.0-openjdk ant ant-nodeps dhcp \
bridge-utils perl-Convert-ASN1.noarch \
scsi-target-utils httpd
4. Set up a YUM repository which contains all the required packages for Front-End system eg. eucalyptus-cloud eucalyptus-
cc etc. Please note the version number is 2.0.3,distro is
CenOS and architecture is 32 bit.
Create '/etc/yum.repos.d/euca.repo' file with the following four lines:
5. Once the repository has been created in the above step, intall
the packages using YUM;
yum install eucalyptus-cloud eucalyptus-cc eucalyptus-walrus eucalyptus-sc
6. Once all the packages are installed, start up your Eucalyptus services on the front-end:
/etc/init.d/eucalyptus-cloud start
/etc/init.d/eucalyptus-cc start
C. Register various front end components:
If everything goes well in the above steps, now is the time to Register
various front end components:
various front end components:
Here are the steps with actual implementation output (my Front-End systems IP
was and that of Node was;
1. Register Walrus:
Syntax: $EUCALYPTUS/usr/sbin/euca_conf --register-walrus <front end IP address>
[root@eucalyptus-front home]# /usr/sbin/euca_conf --register-walrus
Adding WALRUS host
Trying rsync to sync keys with ""...The authenticity of host '
(' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 6d:11:54:be:84:22:ab:7f:47:a4:0a:b3:22:17:ad:4e.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
root@'s password:
SUCCESS: new walrus on host '' successfully registered.
2. Register Cluster:
$EUCALYPTUS/usr/sbin/euca_conf --register-cluster <clustername> <front end IP address>
[root@eucalyptus-front home]# /usr/sbin/euca_conf --register-cluster eucluster
Trying rsync to sync keys with ""...root@'s password:
SUCCESS: new cluster 'eucluster' on host '' successfully registered.
3. Register SC:
$EUCALYPTUS/usr/sbin/euca_conf --register-sc <clustername> <front end IP address>
[root@eucalyptus-front home]# /usr/sbin/euca_conf --register-sc eucluster
Adding SC to cluster eucluster
Trying rsync to sync keys with ""...root@'s password:
SUCCESS: new SC for cluster 'eucluster' on host '' successfully registered.
7. Finally, you need to register nodes with the front end. To do so, run the following command on the front end,
Syntax:$EUCALYPTUS/usr/sbin/euca_conf --register-nodes "<Node
0 IP address> <Node 1 IP address>... <Node N IP address>"
Since, I have only one Node with IP address,
registration was done as follows;
[root@eucalyptus-front home]# /usr/sbin/euca_conf --register-nodes
INFO: We expect all nodes to have eucalyptus installed in / for key synchronization.
Trying rsync to sync keys with ""...The authenticity of host '
(' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is 98:56:f1:ea:68:ed:4a:54:54:3d:2b:52:6f:f8:e7:a7.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
root@'s password:
Setting up euca2tools, Register, Bundle and Upload a Machine Image
A. On the front-end system install "euca2ools". This would be required to Bundle, Upload and
Register image.
Register image.
Steps to install "euca2ools";
1. Export the architecture for which "euca2ools" would be installed;
export ARCH=i386
2. Add the "euca2ools" specific lines in the /etc/yum.repos.d/euca.repo, so that it looks like the
[root@eucalyptus-front euca-centos-5.3-i386]# cat /etc/yum.repos.d/euca.repo
3. Now install "euca2ools"
yum install euca2ools.$ARCH
B. Download, bundle, upload and Register an image:
1. On the Front-End system, download an image from the list of Eucalyptus-certified Images as
Download it under a directory;
eg. /home/cloud/Downloads wget http://eucalyptussoftware.com/downloads/eucalyptus-
images/euca-centos-5.3-i386.tar.gz .
2. Uncompress the file;
images/euca-centos-5.3-i386.tar.gz .
2. Uncompress the file;
[root@eucalyptus-front Downloads]# tar -xvzf euca-centos-5.3-i386.tar.gz
3. Move to the uncompressed directory;
[root@eucalyptus-front Downloads]# cd euca-centos-5.3-i386
Now Bundle, upload and register (repeat the process for kernel, initrd and img files;
4. Bundle, upload and register kernel (Since, we are using XEN so we would be working with
I. Eucalyptus Kernel Image:
a. Bundle kernel image:
[root@eucalyptus-front euca-centos-5.3-i386]# euca-bundle-image -i xen-kernel/vmlinuz-
2.6.24-19-xen--kernel true --arch i386
2.6.24-19-xen--kernel true --arch i386
Checking image
Tarring image
Encrypting image
Splitting image...
Part: vmlinuz-2.6.24-19-xen.part.0
Generating manifest /tmp/vmlinuz-2.6.24-19-xen.manifest.xml
b. Upload:
[root@eucalyptus-front euca-centos-5.3-i386]# euca-upload-bundle -b kernel-bucket -m
Checking bucket: kernel-bucket
Creating bucket: kernel-bucket
Uploading manifest file
Uploading part: vmlinuz-2.6.24-19-xen.part.0
Uploaded image as kernel-bucket/vmlinuz-2.6.24-19-xen.manifest.xml
c. Register:
[root@eucalyptus-front euca-centos-5.3-i386]# euca-register kernel-bucket/vmlinuz-2.6.24-
IMAGE eki-90461383
d. You may want to check the image which you have registered by;
[root@eucalyptus-front euca-centos-5.3-i386]# euca-describe-images
IMAGE eki-90461383 kernel-bucket/vmlinuz-2.6.24-19-xen.manifest.xml admin available
public i386 kernel instance-store
II. Eucalyptus Ramdisk Image:
a. Bundle:
[root@eucalyptus-front euca-centos-5.3-i386]# euca-bundle-image -i xen-kernel/initrd.img-
2.6.24-19-xen --ramdisk true --arch i386
2.6.24-19-xen --ramdisk true --arch i386
Checking image
Tarring image
Encrypting image
Splitting image...
Part: initrd.img-2.6.24-19-xen.part.0
Generating manifest /tmp/initrd.img-2.6.24-19-xen.manifest.xml
b. Upload:
[root@eucalyptus-front euca-centos-5.3-i386]# euca-upload-bundle -b ramdisk-bucket -m
Checking bucket: ramdisk-bucket
Creating bucket: ramdisk-bucket
Uploading manifest file
Uploading part: initrd.img-2.6.24-19-xen.part.0
Uploaded image as ramdisk-bucket/initrd.img-2.6.24-19-xen.manifest.xml
c. Register:
[root@eucalyptus-front euca-centos-5.3-i386]# euca-register ramdisk-bucket/initrd.img-
IMAGE eri-E83A14C7
d. You may want to check the image which you have registered by;
[root@eucalyptus-front euca-centos-5.3-i386]# euca-describe-images
IMAGE eri-E83A14C7 ramdisk-bucket/initrd.img-2.6.24-19-xen.manifest.xml admin
available public i386 ramdisk instance-store
IMAGE eki-90461383 kernel-bucket/vmlinuz-2.6.24-19-xen.manifest.xml admin available
public i386 kernel instance-store
III. Eucalyptus Machine Image:
a. Bundle:
[root@eucalyptus-front euca-centos-5.3-i386]# euca-bundle-image -i centos.5-3.x86.img --
kernel eki-90461383 --ramdisk eri-E83A14C7
kernel eki-90461383 --ramdisk eri-E83A14C7
Checking image
Tarring image
Encrypting image
Splitting image...
Part: centos.5-3.x86.img.part.0
Part: centos.5-3.x86.img.part.1
Part: centos.5-3.x86.img.part.2
Part: centos.5-3.x86.img.part.3
Part: centos.5-3.x86.img.part.4
Part: centos.5-3.x86.img.part.5
Part: centos.5-3.x86.img.part.6
Part: centos.5-3.x86.img.part.7
Part: centos.5-3.x86.img.part.8
Part: centos.5-3.x86.img.part.9
Part: centos.5-3.x86.img.part.10
Part: centos.5-3.x86.img.part.11
Part: centos.5-3.x86.img.part.12
Part: centos.5-3.x86.img.part.13
Part: centos.5-3.x86.img.part.14
Part: centos.5-3.x86.img.part.15
Part: centos.5-3.x86.img.part.16
Part: centos.5-3.x86.img.part.17
Part: centos.5-3.x86.img.part.18
Part: centos.5-3.x86.img.part.19
Part: centos.5-3.x86.img.part.20
Part: centos.5-3.x86.img.part.21
Part: centos.5-3.x86.img.part.22
Generating manifest /tmp/centos.5-3.x86.img.manifest.xml
b. Upload:
[root@eucalyptus-front euca-centos-5.3-i386]# euca-upload-bundle -b image-bucket -m
Checking bucket: image-bucket
Creating bucket: image-bucket
Uploading manifest file
Uploading part: centos.5-3.x86.img.part.0
Uploading part: centos.5-3.x86.img.part.1
Uploading part: centos.5-3.x86.img.part.2
Uploading part: centos.5-3.x86.img.part.3
Uploading part: centos.5-3.x86.img.part.4
Uploading part: centos.5-3.x86.img.part.5
Uploading part: centos.5-3.x86.img.part.6
Uploading part: centos.5-3.x86.img.part.7
Uploading part: centos.5-3.x86.img.part.8
Uploading part: centos.5-3.x86.img.part.9
Uploading part: centos.5-3.x86.img.part.10
Uploading part: centos.5-3.x86.img.part.11
Uploading part: centos.5-3.x86.img.part.12
Uploading part: centos.5-3.x86.img.part.13
Uploading part: centos.5-3.x86.img.part.14
Uploading part: centos.5-3.x86.img.part.15
Uploading part: centos.5-3.x86.img.part.16
Uploading part: centos.5-3.x86.img.part.17
Uploading part: centos.5-3.x86.img.part.18
Uploading part: centos.5-3.x86.img.part.19
Uploading part: centos.5-3.x86.img.part.20
Uploading part: centos.5-3.x86.img.part.21
Uploading part: centos.5-3.x86.img.part.22
Uploaded image as image-bucket/centos.5-3.x86.img.manifest.xml
c. Register:
[root@eucalyptus-front euca-centos-5.3-i386]# euca-register image-bucket/centos.5-
IMAGE emi-3EE71249
d. You may want to check the image which you have registered by;
[root@eucalyptus-front euca-centos-5.3-i386]# euca-describe-images
IMAGE eri-E83A14C7 ramdisk-bucket/initrd.img-2.6.24-19-xen.manifest.xml admin
available public i386 ramdisk instance-store
IMAGE emi-3EE71249 image-bucket/centos.5-3.x86.img.manifest.xml admin available
public x86_64 machine eki-90461383 eri-E83A14C7 instance-store
IMAGE eki-90461383 kernel-bucket/vmlinuz-2.6.24-19-xen.manifest.xml admin available
On the Front-End system, configure DHCP server so that IP's could be assigned automatically
when an instance is run;
when an instance is run;
1. Copy the sample configuration file of DHCP under /etc/
[root@eucalyptus-front /]# cp /usr/share/doc/dhcp*/dhcpd.conf /etc/dhcpd.conf
2. Make the required changes;
eg. I made the following entries (you may configure it to your need);
ddns-update-style interim;
ignore client-updates;
subnet netmask {
# --- default gateway
option routers;
option subnet-mask;
# option nis-domain "domain.org";
# option domain-name "domain.org";
option domain-name-servers;
# option time-offset -18000; # Eastern Standard Time
# option ntp-servers;
# option netbios-name-servers;
# --- Selects point-to-point node (default is hybrid). Don't change this unless
# -- you understand Netbios very well
# option netbios-node-type 2;
range dynamic-bootp;
default-lease-time 21600;
max-lease-time 43200;
# # we want the nameserver to appear at a fixed address
# host ns {
# next-server marvin.redhat.com;
# hardware ethernet 12:34:56:78:AB:CD;
# fixed-address;
# }
3. Start the DHCP service as;
[root@eucalyptus-front /]# service dhcpd configtest
[root@eucalyptus-front /]# service dhcpd start
Once everything has been done, its time now to run an image. Register youself with the Eucalyptus Private cloud using the Front-End GUI form (eg. Once applied, you would see a message like the one below;
"Thank you for signing up! Your request has been forwarded to the cloud administrator. If your application is approved, you will receive an email message (at the address you specified) with instructions for activating your account."
The administrator on the other hand upon receiving the request may either "Approve" or "Reject" your request. On approval, you would receive an email containing the "link" to access Eucalyptus Front-End GUI.
To use the system with client tools, you need to obtain user credentials. Upon login, from the 'Credentials' tab, users can obtain two types of credentials: x509 certificates and query interface credentials. Use the 'Download Credentials' button to download a zip-file with both or click on the 'Show Keys' to see the query interface credentials. You will be able to use your credentials with Euca2ools, Amazon EC2 tools and third-party tools like rightscale.com. Create a directory to store your credentials, unpack the zip-file into it, and source the included 'eucarc'.
To use the system with client tools, you need to obtain user credentials. Upon login, from the 'Credentials' tab, users can obtain two types of credentials: x509 certificates and query interface credentials. Use the 'Download Credentials' button to download a zip-file with both or click on the 'Show Keys' to see the query interface credentials. You will be able to use your credentials with Euca2ools, Amazon EC2 tools and third-party tools like rightscale.com. Create a directory to store your credentials, unpack the zip-file into it, and source the included 'eucarc'.
1. Assuming that your request has been approved. Login to GUI, click on the "Download
Credentials" button to download the x509 certificates. Now on your system; do the following;
Credentials" button to download the x509 certificates. Now on your system; do the following;
unpack the zip-file into it, and source the included 'eucarc'.
mkdir ~/.euca
cd ~/.euca
unzip euca2-test-x509.zip/euca2-test-x509.zip
chmod 0700 ~/.euca
3. Create a private/public key pair;
[root@localhost .euca]# euca-add-keypair my_key > my_key.private
4. chmod 0600 my_key.private5. View the key pair that has been created;
[root@localhost .euca]# euca-describe-keypairs
KEYPAIR my_key ae:fc:15:bc:70:e0:31:e1:46:d5:66:0e:86:0c:89:80:7f:38:94:d8
6. Enter euca-authorize, followed by the name of the security group, and the options of the network rules you want to apply.
euca-authorize <security_group>
I have allowed the security group default with unlimited network access using
SSH (TCP, port 22) and remote desktop (TCP, port 3389):
[root@localhost .euca]# euca-authorize -P tcp -p 22 -s default
default None None tcp 22 22
GROUP default
[root@localhost .euca]# euca-authorize -P tcp -p 3389 -s default
default None None tcp 3389 3389
GROUP default
PERMISSION default ALLOWS tcp 3389 3389 FROM CIDR
7. Now, check the available images;
[root@localhost .euca]# euca-describe-images
IMAGE eri-E83A14C7 ramdisk-bucket/initrd.img-2.6.24-19-xen.manifest.xml admin available
public i386 ramdisk instance-store
IMAGE emi-3EE71249 image-bucket/centos.5-3.x86.img.manifest.xml admin available public
x86_64 machine eki-90461383 eri-E83A14C7
x86_64 machine eki-90461383 eri-E83A14C7
IMAGE eki-90461383 kernel-bucket/vmlinuz-2.6.24-19-xen.manifest.xml admin available public i386 kernel instance-store
(The value at the second column in the second row is your machine image ID, you would use
this ID to get into the cloud)
this ID to get into the cloud)
8. Now run the machine image with the private key you have created;
[root@localhost .euca]# euca-run-instances -k my_key emi-3EE71249
RESERVATION r-3C1B081B test test-default
INSTANCE i-38C4066D emi-3EE71249 pending my_key 2012-04-
17T09:57:25.031Z eki-90461383 eri-E83A14C7
9. Check the state of the instance;
[root@localhost .euca]# euca-describe-instances
RESERVATION r-3C1B081B test default
INSTANCE i-38C4066D emi-3EE71249 running my_key 0
m1.small 2012-04-17T09:57:25.031Z
m1.small 2012-04-17T09:57:25.031Z
eucluster eki-90461383 eri-E83A14C7
10. Once you see the status as running, you can login to your Cloud Instance;
[root@localhost .euca]# ssh -i my_key.private root@
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
RSA key fingerprint is d9:53:41:68:42:91:9a:83:3e:5e:af:72:20:7a:f3:08.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
-bash-3.2# cat /etc/redhat-release
CentOS release 5.3 (Final)
Cheers !!! :)
Happy Cloud Computing !
Related Links:
Related Links: